More content in awesome-effector repository
- patronum - Effector utility library delivering modularity and convenience.
- effector-forms - Form manager for effector.
- effector-reeffect - Concurrent effects for effector.
- effector-logger - Simple logger with stores inspector.
- effector-localstorage - Module for effector that sync stores with localStorage.
- effector-storage - Another module for Effector to sync stores with localStorage/sessionStorage.
- effector-react-inject - Inject effector's state to React components simple way.
- effector-routing - Simple abstact router on top of effector.
- effector-undo - Simple undo/redo functionality for effector.
- effector-utils - Effector utilities library.
- effector-debounce - Debounce events fabric.
- effector-throttle - Simple throttle for effector events.
- effector-next - Effector wrappers for Next.js.
- efform - Form manager, based on effector state manager, designed to deliver high-quality DX.
- Effector SSR - SSR on React, TypeScript, Razzle and Styled.
- CRA template - Simple CreateReactApp template.